About the Florida Society of Rheumatology (FSR)

Founded in 1980, the Florida Society of Rheumatology works for the betterment of rheumatology practices and patients in Florida through educational, administrative and legislative efforts.


Society Mission

The mission of the Florida Society of Rheumatology shall be to:

  • Represent the interests of physicians practicing Rheumatology in the state of Florida and fulfill the role of the professional society for rheumatologists in Florida.
  • Further the goals of the American College of Rheumatology.
  • Provide education for the practicing rheumatologist, the practicing physician in other specialties, paramedical personnel, the patients themselves and the community.
  • Actively monitor the economic issues that impact the practice of medicine.
  • Educate third party payors about various treatments for chronic diseases and the considerable time and effort that rheumatology is involved in the treatment of these conditions.
  • Represent the specialty of Rheumatology in negotiations with governmental and private third-party payors.
  • Facilitate the recognition of the role of the rheumatologist as the provider of choice for patients with arthritis, chronic pain, osteoporosis, and musculoskeletal disease.
  • Achieve diversity in our leadership and membership.